Retreat - Men

Men & Boys Register



EVENT DATE:  Saturday February 19, 2022

EVENT LOCATION: Best Western Waterfront Hotel, Oshkosh, Wisconsin


Saturday, February 19

  • 7:15-8:00 Registration / Continental Breakfast

  • 8:00-8:55 Welcome / Opening Devotion

  • 8:55-9:50 Keynote Address

  • 10:10-11:05 Breakout Session 1

  • 11:25-12:20 Breakout Session 2 / Buffet Lunch

  • 12:30 – 1:25 Breakout Session 3 / Buffet Lunch

  • 1:45- 2:40 Breakout Session 4

  • 2:50-3:30 Closing Devotion


"Taking Every Thought Captive": Living in Freedom from Stinking Thinking” -- Chaplain Phil Merten "What was I thinking?!?" Chaplain Merten walks alongside people in their process of recovery from addictions, and he’s come to appreciate their labor of questioning.

What's Big Starts Small -- Mike Novotny Despite all of the church services, home devotions, and Christian conferences, our lives often seem stuck in the same patterns as previous years. Many of us are just as angry and impatient and insecure.

Married or Buried—What’s the Difference? Learning to say, "I (still) do" -- Kurt Wetzel Marriage can be heaven or hell on earth. The Bible speaks in glowing terms about marriage, and it also describes how awful it can be in a sinful world.

Lessons from a Christian Conversation about Race -- Mike Westendorf In the wake of the death of George Floyd while in police custody Mike helped develop and lead a round table conversation about race from a Christian perspective. A total of 4 videos were produced and released in the summer of 2020 by Time of Grace.

It's A Great Time To Be A Christian! -- Bruce Becker The cultural landscape in which we live seems to be deteriorating all around us. We see moral decline, political chaos, racial tensions, pandemic worries, gender issues, anti-Christian chaos, and with fear and a malaise permeating everything. Our culture is in crisis.

Lead Me, Father - Bill Monday Fathers are called by God to lead their children as a mirror image of God, the Father of us all, from whom fathers get their very title. It’s the greatest calling one can receive next only to loving one’s own spouse and loving God Himself.

Gender and Jesus: understanding and responding to the transgender topic -- Nathan Wordell With little knowledge of gender and a lot of knowledge about Jesus, we can show transgender individuals how much Jesus loves them. What is transgender? We'll aim to understand the terms, practices, and beliefs regarding the topic of gender. What does the Bible say?

The Journey of Grief – Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death -- Joe Radsek I’ve always considered David’s words in the 23rd Psalm, “walking through the valley of the shadow of death” to be especially comforting since the death of our daughter in 2010.

Delighting in the Interdependent and Complementary Partnership of Male and Female -- Rich Gurgel "It is not good that the man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18). Those words from our LORD on the sixth day of creation have a greater application for the relationship of male and female than just our homes.

Preparing for the Path --James Buske One of the biggest and most difficult transitions in life is from the “High School years to …. on your
own”. The struggle and adversity during this transition are vital for preparing for the path.

When Roles Change: meeting the needs of our aging parents -- Curt Seefeldt As our parents age, roles change. When we were children, God gave our mom and dad. As our parents age, God often gives us the responsibility to provide care for them.

Digital Outreach and Discipling in an Online World -- Michael Ewart Jesus (and later his disciples) preached and taught publicly, engaging people where they were. But what does that look like today? Where are people now? They're online. They're connecting, collaborating, and communicating via Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, SnapChat, Twitter, and other online platforms.

Conquerors Release Leadership Potential in Others -- Peter Panitzke Our congregations are filled with successful business men and women, leaders who accomplish so much Monday through Friday. What are the secrets that business has learned to release their leadership potential? Are we as God’s Church allowing them to use their talents?

Serving Together -- Joel Heckendorf Called workers and lay leaders either fail to trust one another or don’t recognize the necessity of utilizing
each other’s gifts, and the ministry suffers. God-willing, this session will open the eyes of all people attending, that they all are “leaders” in carrying out the functions of ministry, no matter what position.

“Welcoming and including people with special needs in your congregation” -- Jesus Cares Staff Jesus Cares Ministries will have a panel discussion with several families who have children with special needs about what congregations can do to welcome and include people with special needs.

Why Men Are Failing to Lead (and what to do about it) -- Gary Jeffers & Jeff Gunn One of the major reasons American society is crumbling is because men are no longer sure what to be or how to act in today’s world. Society continues to blame men and emasculate them. Television shows and movies make fun of the father figure as someone who is stupid and cannot lead.

We plan to travel together on Saturday February 19 to participate for the full day. 

All expense for Saturday will be paid by the church. We hope you can join us.

Donations to our Zion & St. John’s Men’s Ministry fund will be accepted but are not required to attend this event.