Zion and St. John's have been places were God's Word has been proclaimed since the 1800's.
More than the buildings and events that have come and gone over the years, Zion and St. John's have grown and remained because of God's Word.
Click to Watch The Zion 125 Years Video
1850 - 1900
In 1850, a large group of German immigrants settled in the Salemville area. They were served by various Pastors who held services. On August 13, 1864 ten of these settlers established St. John's Lutheran Church in Salemville.
Pastor Conrad Diehlman served as St. John's first Pastor. He and Pastor Eugene Walther served St. John's from 1864-1874.
Pastor Edward Hoyer, Pastor P Scherbel, and Pastor Buhrman served from 1874-1884.
Pastor Dietrich served from 1884-1885.
Pastor Adolph Spiering served from 1885-1893.
Pastor Emil Schiltz served from 1893-1896.
Pastor Paul Brockman served from 1896-1897.
Pastor R. Thiele served from 1897-1904.
In 1873 a church building for St. John's was built on the present church site. A second larger building was built in 1900.
On August 2, 1891, Zion Lutheran Church was established in Kingston. The first church building was dedicated on December 12, 1891.
Pastor John Helms served at Zion from 1891-1898.
Pastor Emil Otto John served at Zion from 1898-1900.
1900 - 1950
Pastor Gustave Haase served at Zion from 1900-1904.
Pastor Benjamin Schlueter served as Pastor for both Zion, Kingston and St. John's, Salemville from 1903-1909. Our churches have shared a Pastor ever since. In 1904, Zion joined the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. St. John's would join the synod in 1945.
Pastor Karl Koehler served Zion and St. John's from 1909-1914.
Pastor Ernest Schoenike served from 1914-1917.
Pastor William Hartwig served from 1917-1923.
Pastor Adolph Dasler served from 1923-1926.
Pastor Traugott Redlin served from 1926-1943.
In 1920, a lightning strike caused a fire that burned down the St. John's church. That same year a new building was built on the current site of our church.
In 1928, Zion tore down their first church building and constructed a new building, dedicated on September 30, 1928. The 1928 building remains the core of Zion's church building today.
Pastor Orvin Sommer served from 1943-1952
1950 - 2000
Pastor Jackson Petrie served from 1952-1956.
Pastor Paul Kolander served from 1956-1964.
Pastor Carl Rosenow served from 1964-1970.
Pastor David Kastenschmidt served from 1971-2006.
On September 24, 1978, Zion dedicated a completed renovation project to the current church building.
2000 +
Pastor David Kastenschmidt served from 1971-2006
Pastor Edward Frey served from 2007-2014.
St. John’s celebrated 150 years of God’s Grace in 2014. The same year, 2014, was the 100 year anniversary of Zion and St. John’s joint ministry in our communities.
Zion celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2016 with a three part celebration “To God Be The Glory”. A detailed history of Zion congregation and a commemorative video were complied for this milestone.
Pastor Frank Rose served from 2014 to 2020.
Pastor Bill Runke served as Pastor during the vacancy period of February thru May 2020.
Pastor Kurt Hagen was installed and started serving our communities and congregations in May 2020.
A substantial addition to the St. John’s church was completed in 2021 to add more worship and fellowship space.

Pastor’s Past & Present
St. John's Constitution Coming Soon!